Who says you have to Idris Elba to be sexy?
I believe any man can be sexy. Contrary to popular belief, ‘looks’ don’t really hold as much weight as you might think when it comes to what a woman finds sexy. Furthermore, the simplicity of the sexiest things a man can do will blow your mind.
You ready? Let’s get into it.
1. Teach me something.
An intelligent man is a gift from the good Lord himself. Please notice I didn’t say educated. I’m a firm believer that street smarts’ outweigh book smarts’ most of the time. Just because you went to college does not mean you’re smart. Sorry, boys. God bless the man with his degree, but I’m here for you men who are able to operate by way of good home training and other gifts/talents as well. The man who can teach me something will forever be a treasure in my eyes.
2. Have good taste in music.
I once shared with you the “5 Things Women Associate with Your Skills in Bed” and mentioned your taste in music… and it’s absolutely true. Women find your taste in music extremely sexy, especially when it’s the kind of music they like. If she’s not familiar with the music you listen to she’ll find it even sexier if you can make your style of music appeal to her. You get extra points if you can sing or play an instrument. We melt!
3. Own a room / work the room.
A confident man is unearthly sexy to women. What is even sexier than you being a confident man, is seeing that confident man in action. An idea for the next time you’re courting a lady friend? Invite her to join you at an office party or any event that showcases your ability to own and work a room. She’ll love watching you lead and become astounded at how sexy it is to watch you handle yourself in this environment.
4. Two words: basketball shorts.
Yep. You know what I’m talking about. If you don’t like basketball shorts, sweatpants or pajama bottoms have the same effect. We’re crazy about them!
5. Look good in a suit.
Extra points if you can pull off a bow tie. Don’t get me wrong, we enjoy seeing you dressed down, but we can hardly control ourselves when you dress up and do it nicely. Just another little tip, the socks matter. I’m a fool for a man who wears those colorful, fun dress socks with a tailored suit and tie.
6. Smell good.
You knew that though. If you haven’t figured this one out yet, take the time to find a signature cologne you can wear all the time—but don’t overdo the amount. Certain fragrances instantly remind me of the man I know who wears that particular fragrance. No matter where I smell it, he always comes rushing back to my mind. You want to have this effect on women–trust me. Another tip… it makes hugs and sex that much better. Just saying.
7. Read.
A man who reads can teach me something new. A man who reads takes advantage of his free time. A man who reads is intelligent. A man who reads is ambitious. A man who reads values the opinion of others. A man who reads wants to know more than what people are willing to tell him. A man who reads is patient. A man who reads is SEXY.
8. Maintain relationships of all kinds (with business associates, friends, family, etc.).
Take heed to the different types of relationships I point out here. Yes, they all matter–at least to me. A man who can maintain these relationships is usually genuine, honest, and trustworthy. He values these types of relationships and is usually an asset within them as well. A relationship is a two-way street. A healthy relationship of any kind takes commitment. If you can maintain personal relationships of these types then you more than likely understand what it takes to build and maintain a long-lasting relationship.
9. Be ambitious.
God knows I think a man with ambition is just about as sexy as it gets. An ambitious man is strong and passionate in everything that he does. This kind of man wins; not because he has achieved something (although that is amazing, too), but because he has a hunger to succeed. This kind of man is patient with the process of achievement. This kind of man likes to be encouraged and understands the importance of being encouraged and supported.
10. Be a little bit of a bad boy.
You know why good guys finish last? Because as stupid as it sounds, women love a man who lives on the edge–just a little. We want a man who can put his foot down without stepping on us. We want a man to be able to (respectfully) “put us in our place.” We want a man who can make a sarcastic comment without being known as the asshole or the douchebag–there’s a fine line here, so be careful. A little edginess goes a long way–but don’t push it.
11. Have a healthy sense of humor.
Who doesn’t love a man who can make you laugh? A man with a healthy sense of humor is extremely sexy. We want you to be able to be silly with us. We want you to laugh at our joke that isn’t all that funny. We want you to be able to make us laugh ‘the laugh’ that we hate to do in public. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but laughter does, too.
12. Expose your forearms.
I’m serious. A man in a collared shirt with the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow is bound to make most women hot in the pants. I’ve seen many places that it’s much like the effect cleavage has on you men. It’s masculine and sexy. To me, it even gives off a ‘free’ vibe. Rolling your sleeves up says, “I’m here and I’m ready to relax and have a good time.” Bonus points if you have tattoos!